2023 Key Sponsors

Paint to Protect Donations

Paint to Protect

Painting and Restoration of Elevator

Painting and restoration of the Historic Grain Elevator will occur in the summer of 2024.  It is a very extensive effort to maintain our elevator.  This elevator was built in 1958 and was in operation until 1995.  Today it is completely functional.  Come for a tour and learn more about this Provincial HIstoric Site.


Yay!!! Finally, the Raffle Box 50/50 is now available for ticket purchase!

Sponsorship and Partnering Opportunities

Our success depends on the generosity and support of our volunteers, corporate sponsors, private donors and contributions from visitors to the Grain Elevator site. The 2023 season saw visitors from across Canada, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the US. 

We have a many sponsorship opportunities that we invite you to consider as part of your business marketing, or as part of your personal gift giving plans.

A gift of cash is the easiest way to support. Each donation over $20 will receive a tax receipt. Your donation will be used to support the Painting and Restoration of the iconic Grain Elevator.  
Sponsorship will be listed on the website, and your company logo and/or link will be placed on this site. If you wish to sponsor a specific event, signage will be appropriately placed at the event, along with logos and company name on all advertising and event promotions. Please call us to discuss this option.

Legacy Donations
Consider making a donation in memory of a loved one, or as a bequest. Bequests can be cash, securities, real estate or other property. You will retain full control of your assets during your lifetime, and your estate will receive the donation receipt.

Gifts of Real Estate
A gift of real estate will result in a donation receipt for the fair market value of the property. Call us to discuss this option.

Because of the way the grant structures work for our organization, a $250 donation is actually worth $500 to us. Please consider your part in helping us to preserve our history and to build a future through the education of our community, our youth and our visitors.

For more information, please call 780-960-4600, or email info@SpruceGroveAgSociety.com
We would be happy to answer your questions.

Thank you for supporting the Spruce Grove and District Agricultural Society, making a difference in our community! 
